Tonight I went out on the river and had THE Alaskan experience.

The blob in front of the eagles is a seal, they kept popping up all over the river. They look like little curious, swimming dogs.

Saw more bald eagles than I have ever seen in my life. My new friend said that during the really cold part of winter, you can go to the dump and see 100 of them feeding on the trash. You know I'll be checking that out.

These two moose wandered out of the forest and crossed the river right in front of us. New Friend and her husband said that they sometimes see 10-13 on the way to work in the morning.

Caught a 10 lb silver salmon. Too bad New Friend's Husband cut his finger while showing me how to filet it and had to go to the emergency room. Hope it doesn't keep them from calling me to go out again.

Amazing day. Winter may be coming fast but today,
I'm alive and well.
what are you trying to do to me?! you know i'm a sap and you go an link to a sappy song. i just put on my mascara for christ's sake.
really though, AWESOME!!
buck up you big baby.
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