Probably using one of my favorite photos prematurely but I'm a few beers short of a thirty pack and lazy. And Honey, I got sumpin ta shay. Ok, I'm sorry for that but not really. Anyway, got a package from the IronMan today and was feeling a little guilty. All these kick ass, generous gifts and another heart wrenching card (if I had a heart but I donated it).What to do?
Then my girls took me drinking. Look out. I was 19 when we started wreaking havoc on the bars of Liveable/Loveable (see photo above). And I was over-age by the time I was 12 so don't start whining to me about how that shit's illegal.
The ladies and I have been in different parts of the country for awhile so tonight we needed to regroup in the hometown. You know, kick it old school. So we headed to downtown Livebale/Loveable and lovehated every minute of it, like we always do. Ran into a few old homiez, conjured up memories, stocked up on candy and scratchers at the corner liqa sto. We are tough bitches with the Hot Tamales 'n shit. Along the way I wasn't sure if I should be feeling pangs of guilt over the IronMan drama, and was definitely distracted by the passport debacle. Then we ran into an old friend who introduced me as: "Deb. The one who gave me the philosophy I live by: Hoes- who needs 'em." And just like that, the balance was restored. No guilt, no regret.
"Hoes--Who needs 'em? "
Damn , I give good advice. Alaska, here I come and my new diamond earrings sparkle like I imagine your glaciers will. Am i a jerk? Yes. Do I care? Hell no, Younger Sister found my passport!
The peceeding post was made possible by a king size bag of reese's pieces and two chicken tacos. I turn thirty tomorrow. Like, whoa.
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