We finally made it! A few miles shy of 3,500 and I'm in my new town. Today's trip included rough roads but with the added bonus of pouring rain and fog. At times everything was gray and the monotony made it a bit hard to stay focused but driving these highways is not the time to daydream or worry about your paint job. There's a place called the Auto Spa here and Bertha, "Big B," has definitely earned a day of pampering. Was going to post a picture of the bug (and bird) massacre that was her grill but the rain and the guy in Watson Lake took care of that
The last leg from Anchorage was some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen. And I've been around...the U.S. anyway. We won't talk about my still empty passport --thanks, Canada.
We already saw a glacier from the road but the moose are still hiding. The first thing i did in town besides doing a drive by of the apartment and getting a hotel room was find a sushi joint. The food was good and the owner is my new Mama-san, so now I know I can stay. Haven't seen the inside of the apartment yet but the location seems good. Hoping it'll be ready tomorrow. Apologies for the boring text, my brain'll be back on tomorrow.
Congratulations on your successful drive to your new home(1yr only!) Remember all of us in California, All my love, Mom
enjoy your next week, dad
to top this off and make it the corniest family commentary, I (oldest sister) will add my two cents.
I still can't believe that you are in Alaska!! I will still be saying that for months to come.
Your pictures are making me have second thoughts about my refusal to travel so far to visit you.
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