And I ain't got nobody. I got some money 'cause I just got paid. What to do?
Went to the Old Town today. It consists of a handful of buildings from the 1890's. Here they are.
The coffee shop where I spent an awkward open mic evening last night trying not to look like an anti-social jerk. I'm so NOT the coffee house type. Nice setting though.

Part of the Russian 'empire'. The crazy priest said that since I've been to Bodega Bay, I've now seen the entire Russian Empire of North America.

The Russian Orthodox Church. There are hidden communities of "Old Believers" here. They remain isolated on purpose and don't allow anything from the modern world in.

The crazy Russian priest was amusing and terrifying at the same time. He never stopped talking!

If I didn't look at the scary cult priest regalia we were ok but, imagine being here. With him.

Sooo..... after my escape I definitely needed some fresh air.

Here are some views of the Cook Inlet and Redoubt Volcano. I'll try to get some photos on a clearer day but you can see the peak at the top of the cloud line. This volcano is still active and had a big blow a few years ago.

62 degrees and GORGEOUS. But the nice man who had lunch with me at the Buger Bus said it has gotten to 30 BELOW here. I'm going to die. Seriously.

He also said I should take flying lessons since everyone here is a pilot. I agree.

In an effort to get out and learn about the community, I went to a company picnic put on by ConocoPhillips, an energy company. They have a huge, free barbeque spread but I hate lines and can't resist food from the side of a truck (or burgerbus). Plus some kid in his late teens called me a lady. As in "Hey, isn't that the lady from...." Oh, Ouch! I was done with picnics after that.
Then tonight I went to a local hockey game. By myself. The game itself was entertaining, would have been more fun with adult company. Of course the crowd was all teenagers and people with kids. Damn, I thought it was hard to meet people in SF! Big Sister needs to ship me a kid so I can get in the club.
So now Sons of Anarchy is my hot date for the night. Never watched it before but it's supposedly set in the San Joaquin Valley and the Head Bitch has the same scar as me so it must be good.