The Ice Museum at Chena Hot Springs is pretty damn cool (obviously). I was freezing, but impressed.

The fish is actually a vodka luge although they don't let you use it because of sanitation or body heat or something. Wasn't really listening after I heard the no part. The ice bar is awesome, the stools are covered with caribou hides and the 15 dollar drink was strong. The only problem was holding the glass carved out of ice. I swear it almost gave me frostbite because my wool gloves were just soaking up the melt-off. You can see the workshop where the offer ice carving classes there behind the Great Wall of Chena.

Santaland in North Pole, Alaska. Seriously, that's the name of the town. It's cute but kinda screams "BUY SOMETHING!" At least they have the true spirit of Christmas.

Donner or Blitzen or Sparky or whatever.

My favorite Santa letter of the hundreds tacked to the walls from all over the world. Apparently whnever a kid sends a leter to Santa at the North Pole, it comes here. Tomorrow, the not so fair city of Fairbanks.
*Update: My charging cord took a dive, not sure when I can get it replaced. I can't exactly drive to Office Max and pick up another one.
Do U want one of us to get u another charger and send it to you?
Look at you, learning the text speak! No, I can order one online faster but thank you.
OK first of all there is no sparky, I know you have that story memorized from the years and years of mom reading it to us.
Second, what did you do to your poor cord? It was in fine condition when you left and I told you the fan and the cord are NOT for...(fill is SVU episode here).
And finally, I think we should alter our Christmas plans, we can all come to Alaska and go to the ice museum. We will take the class and make our own vodka luge.
hey, it's lonely up here. A girl's gotta find amusement somewhere.
I like the Christmas plans, let me know when to pick you all up at the airport.
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