Today I made an elaborate dinner for myself and my neighbor. The one who works for the same company, not Kooky Hooch Guzzler. I was at the store and saw coconuts and plantains and had to have them. The cashier had never seen either of them. She didn't know what they were. The battle with the coconut was epic. I should have taken a picture of the coconut shrapnel all over the place. But, like the duct tape wrapped, confetti filled package I got from the ex 3 months post breakup, some things are instant insanity indicators and should be hidden from the public. And yes, I am that bored.
Anyway, dinner. Sauteed bellpeppers and onions with chicken cooked in a coconut, garlic, lime and cilantro sauce over a bed of jasmine rice. Serve with coconut crusted shrimp, green salad and an Alaskan Summer Ale. When you all get tired of lanscape shots and moose sighting stories, I'm going to turn this into a food blog. Maybe then I'll get some interaction.
Tomorrow: plaintains, spanish rice, black beans and homemade salsa. Gotta pack on that winter blubber.
I missed the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival this weekend. Three days of free music in GG park. Here's John COUGAR Mellencamp, I think it was 2 years ago. Last year I got to see Robert Plant and Alison Kraus. Amazing.
I embarrassed to tell you, I had Taco Bell for dinner. Yikes.
Food. Yum. Little Sister and I were talking last night about how much we talk about food as a family. It's a common bond. Send me the recipe.
Yummy, I want to come to your home for dinner!! We'll be there in 47 days! Yeah. Think about what you would like us to bring. Guess Who!!
Mom, you can't bring shit, you'll be on a plane all day! But we'll figure it out when you get here. There are a few stores around you know. I'm stocking up on Chardonnay for you and Abilify for me.
I was distracted through the entire post because you said RESPONSIBLE locals. Maybe that is why you shouldn't get your hopes up.
I had plantains at the Jamaican place the other night and thought of you.
At least the coconut remains were easier to get rid of than that damn confetti.
or the boyfriend.
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