Last year I was very lucky to get an internship at the Forbes Norris ALS/MDA Clinic and Research Center in San Francisco. I worked with an extremely talented and impressive team and it was an invaluable experience. Now they're being nominated for program of the year by the California Speech-Language and Hearing Association and I am supposed to be writing a letter of recommendation. I'm supposed to scan and email that letter to my former professor and mentor at SFSU by tonight. Probably about two hours ago. I should really get started. But look!

How can something so damn cute make me want to cry? Okay, I really did cry. Just a little. She's turning eight. My little two year old BFF is turning EIGHT and I'm not even there. And the other one turned THIRTEEN last week! and the next birthday is the oldest who turns SIXTEEN!!! I have a great video of Emma and I picking our noses together because I'm that good of a roll model. I'll spare you. I also have the perfect picture to post but that means scanning and there will be no scanning until I have produced a recommendation letter!
11:15 pm- I just realized that a Social Skills Lunch Group Session I was thinking about was today! It's been a long one. Goodnight. Here's the picture, as promised. Me as a super cool 17 yr old napping with the now 13 yr old niece. Big sister pops out cute babies with big heads....
you are a year ahead of yourself, the oldest is turning 15. i was thinking 16 too but breathed a sigh of relief that it is 15. we are still old though
Deborah, I know, it's crazy. I swear. It goes so quick. Like a flash. It's so cliche to even say but hey, I have become a cliche! Who would have thought.
We'll call you and do a little bum, bum, bidum, bum, bum, bidum, bum together. I will be fun!
I remember this picture, and I remember the 17 year old Deb....A long long long time ago
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