Here's a post I stole from my sister's blog. Happy April.
I've never been a fan of April Fool's Day. Who wants to be fooled? Not me. So, last year when Meg from Pigtown Design suggested updating this holiday to be one aimed in a positive direction, April Food Day, I was more than happy to participate.
This is a topic that is near and dear to me. As a child, my father died when I was very young leaving my mother with 4 small children and no income. For a long time, boxes of food were simply left on our porch. My third grade teacher baked us cakes and cooked us casseroles regularly. We were taken care of by others when we were not able to do it for ourselves and so today, I try to return that favor by offering the same for others. Now, many days, life just goes
and I am so wrapped up in what is going on in my own household, that I forget to look beyond. April Food Day gives me the gentle reminder to do good.
While hunger is an ongoing social issue, it is one that we can affect positively. Today, I encourage you to make a donation large or small to Feeding America in the US (using this link), or to your local food bank if you are visiting from another country. Many people are going without especially with the state of our economy and it's no joking matter.
Dear Anonymous (Mom), I love you. Please don't comment on my blog or stalk me the way you do Deborah. I only post pictures of interiors and gardens. Very boring. Again, I reiterate, I love you. Don't comment on my blog.
Dear Anonymous,
You can blog stalk me. Just remember, this is not the forum for any touchy feely stuff. Neither is real life. Also remember when you're old that you love me enough to leave my all your money, but you want to live with the domesticated one.
Ha, ha. It took me awhile but I finally got it. Ok, back to sewing curtains. . .
Haha...I still don't get it!!
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