Earth Hour is tomorrow night. Last year, Little Sister and I were staying with the Brats for the weekend. Brat #4 is "uncomfortable" with the dark and didn't like the idea AT. ALL. But, being the awesome hard ass aunties that we are, we made her suffer through it. After much crying on her part and counseling on our parts, we finally convinced her it could be fun. An hour passed with three Brats happily playing cards and one watching the clock a little anxiously. The sad part is, when it was all over, I realized it was the wrong day. More than likely little sister realized I had told them all the wrong day. So on the one hand we made her suffer for nothing. On the other, guess who was the first one to turn out the lights the next night?
We might be teaching them to play poker for candy but look how comfortable Sassypants is in the dark. Next year the candy will be replaced by their college accounts.
Don't forget to participate in Earth Hour March 27, 8:30 PM (local time).
this year it was just #4 at home. we left one light on and sister sassy pants read out loud to her momma for quite a while. then we both we to sleep early. we were so tired from a full day at science olympiad. so while we weren't 100% participatory, I do feel like we did our part since we kept the tv off and then turned the lights out much earlier than we do most nights when we went to bed so early. i'm talking 8pm. you know that's a miracle in this house especially for brat #4 or her mother for that matter.
I basically did the same. Used a small flashlight to read the book, "Into the Forest." I was all ready to recommend it until the author just went too far. Maybe I'll do a review.
Like how I put pictures of your kids on the internet without asking? But I did send #3's birthday package finally.
I stayed awake for the hour. Finished making and ate dinner by candle light. Used the flashlight to read the soup ingredients when I smelt fish and realized we almost spent Earth hour rushing O to the hospital! We were supposed to watch "The Hangover" after but I fell asleep!
little sister, a dead man can not propose. ever.
yeah, wait til he builds up his bank accounts a bit (and your name is one them). Then give him the shellfish.
The worst part is he bought the soup! It has been in the freezer for a bit and was called "Chicken Curry Bisque." We were having Indian food so I figured, lets start w/ the curry soup. Then once I say I smell fish I'm reading the ingredients he tells me "Not all bisques have shellfish. Let's get some use out of my EXPIRED epi pen."
hahaha. i hope he knows and understands sense of humor this family has.
poor guy.
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