Monday, March 22, 2010


Is it time to change the photo across the top of this thing? I just L-O-V-E the current one. Walking that pier was my sanity for many a semester and seeing the photo makes me feel connected to home. However, it's not home right now. Here's one that could work, taken last week on the way to Fairbanks. Just don't know if I'm ready to let go.


Karyn said...

Ya, I think you should leave the one you have. I want you to look at it every time you check your blog and think about coming home when you are ready.

Jade said...

You could keep that picture and put another one next to it. I really love that picture of San Fran. You need to also update your about me!!

Unknown said...

Did Mom hack into the older sister's account? Probably is time to change the pic.

Debacled said...

No comments from "Anonymous" in awhile. Maybe I'm no longer the golden child?

Nothing's really changed about me, Jade.

Anonymous said...

No, Mom did not hack into older sisters account. I think that Debacled should have whatever picture she would like to have. I am perfectly comfortable with U being in Alaska. I know that you will come home when you are ready. I knew when I was there that you would spend at least another year there. Call it a Mother's intuition. As Always, My Love, Mom

little sister said...

well that mother's intuition is S-L-O-W... I knew she was staying at least two years before she signed the contract!

word verification "nochrot" I think the person who came up with that actually wanted to put crotch rot

Karyn said...

"little sister, watch your mouth. this is a public forum. lest you forget." she said, laughing uncontrollably. . . mother's intuition!!!