Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I decided to fore go the pilot ground school since I want to go to Vancouver for the Olympics next month and I kinda need some dough. However, I'll still be taking the fly fishing course. I really don't think Brad Pitt will show up on the river this summer, but just in case, I want to be prepared.
Speaking of dough, flights out of the frozen tundra are so ridiculously expensive. Going to Vancouver is going to cost about $750. Then there's Fairbanks in March and Cabo in May. It's no wonder my savings account is laughable. And no wonder I need a summer job. Got a lead on one today. Census work. I hear it's quite an experience. There's a chance I could end up flying in to some bush communities, if I pass the alphabetizing and simple math test. We'll see about that.
This weekend I'm going to blow through some more money at the Beer and Barley Wine Festival in Anchorage. I read there's always a solid showing of brewers from all over Alaska and "the outside." Can't wait!


little sister said...

Do you get to use your fingers and toes for the math?

Cabo? What is this about Cabo?

Debacled said...

I will be sneaky and use my teeth.
See? I AM smart!
Kelly has a condo in Cabo (that is fun to say) for her birthday. Instead of Sweet 16 Redo, we trying for 16 Candles in Cabo.

Jade said...

Life is to short to save,,,live it up and see the world...

Karyn said...

I second Jade's emotion.