Thursday, November 5, 2009


Remains the best song ever. Just thought you should know.
This battery problem is seriously cramping my blogging style. Over 'n out.


Karyn said...

Suck it up & buy a new battery and a new cord. Tomorrow.

Karyn said...

Please. I forgot to say please.

Unknown said...

Is that my CD you're listening to? Oh yeah, I think I'm the only one who still listens to CDs...nevermind.

Anonymous said...

I still listen to CD's. Not everyone has an Ipod! Buy a new cord, pronto!! I miss your blogs! Have you gotten your new tires? Love You, see you in 20 days. YIPEE!! My word verification is pubpdag. Isn't that some sort of bar hopper?

Debacled said...

No, it's your son's middle name. I may have fixed the battery problem with something called a BIOS download. Probably not. We'll see.