At night, the older folks in the park would come down to the house to cook up a seafood feast and sip on some wine. I crashed the party whenever I could because the colorful jokes and stories never stopped and I loved listening to them. By the end of the night my cheeks would hurt from laughing so hard. I was hoping to capture some of this magic with the Empty Nesters Club. Not so, Hawkers excluded. Nice people, but maybe not the types to find random nakedness, dirty jokes and elderly abuse (i.e. getting 80 year olds drunk for comedic relief) amusing. To be fair, I don't think anyone could live up to those memories.
I'd post a picture of the lean-to I rented that summer or the group on our elk hunt but those are in a dank basement in CA. Here's one of the happy Pollack himself. That's a Winston in his hand. Smokers take note: he died of emphysema later that year. Maybe you should quit now.

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