Saturday, May 29, 2010


No, I am not going to talk about Obama. Around here you just stay as far away from politics as possible.
I'm going camping near the town of Hope. Got my dogs and a bunch of friends with all the stuff I'm lacking. I did buy a doggie backpack so they can take turns carrying their own food. I'll be back with pictures on Monday. In the meantime, I sliced my finger while washing a butcher knife last night and I've heard that women aren't supposed to go camping at certain times of the month so I'm really hoping I don't become a bear magnet. A bunch of soldier types with weapons should keep me safe enough. I just really hope the dogs are ok. No way to find our but to do it. I hope you'll be reading a new post about Hope by Tuesday at the latest.


Jade said...

No shocker, you cutting yourself with a knife...your worse then me when it comes to to being clumsy.

M. Kasch said...

SO JEALOUS! Call me and tell me how it was! We're heading there for lunch on Friday.

little sister said...

Did you take a picture of the signs! You know the one the entering and exiting Hope ones?

Debacled said...

That was a different Hope. I think we were in Canada then.