Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I drove 1.5 hours to Hope and was about 1.5 hours late. When I got to the meeting spot I found four cars full of unhappy campers upset about the lack of fishing there.
A)Who are you people and B) How did you come to have a say in my trip?
When word get's out about a camping trip, it's gets hard to keep the guest list down. Unfortunately the original friend and I had planned on low-impact trail camping and everyone else did not. But, because they had the food, I followed. All the way down the Sterling Highway where I had just come from.
Everything turned out great though. We found a good spot on the beach and got some fishing for Kings in. Even though nothing was biting, the weather was gorgeous and I even got a sunburn. So Hope remains on my Alaskan To Do list but sleeping in a tent by the ocean with 22 hours of daylight does not. It's a beached Keetah. The older, wiser, and slightly grumpier lab.
And Sabaka, my new shadow.
Time of actual sunset, 11:16
Lick the grill? Me? Uhhhhhhhhhhh, what was your question?

Spoon me, I'm cold!

Twilight today lasts until 12:47 and starts again at 3:19 with sunrise at 4:48.
I know what your question is and the answer is Lunesta.


little sister said...

wow what a nice sunset

what cute dogs

sunset so late?

happy now? i made all your suggested comments

Debacled said...

thank you. Is it too much to ask for a little interaction here?

Anonymous said...

Not at all! Thank

you for the beautiful pictures. Is one of the pictures of sunrise? Since they are so close together and you are awake, why not? love you, Guess Who?

Debacled said...

Amomymous or maybe Anonymom,
Those are all the sunset. I think. There was beer and vodka and Lunesta involved. Hard to tell the difference sometimes.
Soon I'll post a picture of the lake I "backpacked" to this weekend.

Jade said...

I love the sunset!!!