Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Ratbeast

Four pounds of deaf and half blind bones with sparse fur. One second it looks like a sad little Ewok, the next your brain can't help but picture evil little old ladies scuttling about in horror films.

I'm so cute and innocent.

I would never devise plots to drive you slowly insane.

Or secretly think of eating your face.

I haven't figured out why this app distorts my pics or how to fix it but for now, we'll just live with it.


little sister said...

Are you having a "No more yappy dog" party? Man that thing was annoying

KELLY said...

It looks at least part poodle, I can tell by the hypo-allergenic, old-lady looking perm it's got going on. This sorry excuse for a canine has no right walking around with the majestic title of "Dog". But I'm sure it's real sweet and cuddly!