Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pretty Alaskan Pictures

Seems my last post was particularly disturbing to one young fan so I'll return now to pretty Alaskan pictures. Saturday I did a short hike with my friend Sue on Hidden Creek Trail to Skilak Lake (Anonymomous and Anonydadous might remember Skilak Lake from their winter backroading experience). Later I met another friend, Ben for some car camping. Then on Sunday Ben and I did a short "backpacking" trip into Lower Russian River. I'll call it my first backpacking trip because I did carry everything in and stay overnight but really, the trail was only three miles long and has gravel laid the entire way since it's ADA accessible. Cheating? Probably. We were going to do another trail but the weather was ify and we didn't feel like spending the night on top of a cold, rainy mountain. So here are the pictures, enjoy.

First brown bear sighting from the car. Just the way I like it.

P.s. The sibs say I'm fat. Jealous bastards.


Directions on the bear locker say to camp at least 100 yds from
your food yet they installed it too close so close to the tent sites you can't possibly do that. The brown edge is the locker, the yellow blurb is my tent. 100 yds? I think not.

ADA accessible cabin I was tempted to stay in instead of my tent with the two dogs and the possibility of bears lurking around.


little sister said...

NOT THOSE TREES!!! I hate those ugly things! All the other pictures are very nice though. I especially like the 1st Sunday picture.

Karyn said...

Have you seen Madagascar. . .

Debacled said...

I'm dying! I'm totally downloading that on iTunes.
And F U, I just ate Hagen-Das for dinner so how's that for chunky?

Karyn said...

you know i'm just jealous.

Debacled said...

I like to call it the Alaskan 15.