Friday, December 10, 2010

4 More Days

4 more days until I'm home! I can't believe it's been a year since I've seen my family and that's how I know it's time to give up Alaska. For now.
Found a place to stay when I get back from winter vacation. It's another house sitting gig right on the river with one 9 yr old lab and very nice owners. I'll be there 'til the first week in March. That means in 1 out of 14 months I will have paid rent by the end of this adventure. I am a very lucky girl. Woman. Person.
I'd like to show you the stars on a clear, Alaskan night. You really wouldn't believe how awesome it is. But, here's a moon to howl at instead.


Karyn said...

I'll take a good moon over the stars any night. Crazy, I know.

Can't wait until you're here.

Jade said...

I love that photo. One day I am going to get some of these amazing pictures and frame them for my walls.