Sunday, November 7, 2010


What I've been reading:
It's a fictional account of women in biblical times told through the eyes of the character, Dinah. Apparently some people are all fired up about it because of ridiculous religous notions but it's much less about any story from the bible and much more about sisterhood and the hardships inherent to being a woman. You men out there should really still give it a shot, you might learn something.

What I've been listening to:

Can't get enough, actually. See what you think.

And what I've been learning:
I went to a class in Anchorage this weekend about young children with hearing loss whose families had decided to go the route of cochlear implantation. The presenter was from a school in Bay Area but the scool has sites in many states. Their goals as stated on their website are: teaching deaf children to listen, think and talk through intensive speech/language therapy and the development of listening skills." Here's their site if you're interested but mostly I'm happy to have attended a useful continuing education class that will really help me with a few of my students and to adapt best practices in this area. The school offers training camps (for free!!) which I will most definitely be applying to. I'll take any additional knowledge that could help me.

So I also learned to use a snow blower today but that can wait for another time. Good night. It's only quarter to 8 but with the time change and darkness, it feels like 11 already.


Jade said...

I will have to pick this book up after the term is over. Hey do you want your copy of "I never promised you a rose garden back"? I have had this book for quite some time

Debacled said...

What, since high school?

Jade said...

It can't be that long..I know I was in my 20's when I read it not my teens...Damn I am making us sound so old.

little sister said...

Love that book. Don't you REALLY MISS your sisters reading? Don't you want to come home?? See you in December. I have your room ready, equiped the doors w/ locks so you can't go back to Alaska

Debacled said...

I will have a lot of beds to sleep in when I get there. I just want us all to be together and do nothing and everything.
I miss you guys.