1 year old (i think) covered in chocolate frosting and earning my nickname. I don't think I've ever liked a big fuss for my birthday, too much attention. I'm not sure, Anonamom or the sibs could prove me wrong. But here are the last few of my way bitchin' birthdays:

29 in Yosemite with family. For years I spent Aug. 2 in Maine and this year it felt good to be with my family. (But I heart my Maine family too!) There had been a big fire but it cleared just for my birthday.

30- had a huge party (aka-big fuss! but it was ok because I didn't have to organize it AND I was leaving for a long time) Packed up the car and left for Alaska, celebrated Aug.2 in Oregon with my birthdaymate.

Today I am 31. I didn't plan or announce and still, my birthday turned out perfectly. Sunshine for the first time in weeks, fishing for salmon, gathering fireweed for jelly and lunch with my lady friends. Tomorrow I get to celebrate all over again with dinner and cake made just for me and later in the week, probably a fancy going-out dinner. I may be far from home but my birthday is still being celebrated by good friends and is still a reminder of another awesome year. People think birthdays after 29 are scary but when you actually like your life the only thing to say is still:
you always put things in great perspective. I love you my birthday sharing friend!!!
Miss you. We finally got you back for your birthday for two years and then you left again.
I'm so glad that you are up here, to celebrate birthdays with, go fishing with, or just to bitch with. Happy Birthday, Deb!
Thank you!
and P.S. That's Balls to the Walls in case anyone else is anonymously clueless.
NUTS! Happy Belated birthday. See you soon!
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