Here's another reason, in my long list of fantastic finds, that I think I have fabulous Craigslist luck. Never saw this place, signed an agreement by fax, wired the deposit money and then wondered if my head would clear the sleeping loft. Turns out it does, but not the shower head. What's new.
I love my new tiny cottage. It's a very short walk to Asilomar beach and a little bit of a longer walk to downtown Pacific Grove. I've spent the last two afternoons laying in the sun on soft, soft sand, reading my nerd book to my heart's content. Soon I'll post interior pictures.
You really do have fantastic luck all together. What a great picture!
I want to lay in the soft sand and read.
Well the sun was here for two days and now it's gray, foggy and wet again. So no more laying in the sun for awhile.
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