A long time ago I said I'd post pictures of some true Alaskan type properties. These are two from Homer, more on Homer later. I meant to get a bunch of pictures to illustrate the independent, artsy nature of the community, but got sidetracked by my amazing day trip to Tutka Bay.
I went on the trip to Tutka Bay Lodge as part of the Homer Shorebird Festival to have a cooking class/lunch/tour/hike with the owner, Kirsten Dixon. I came across the event online and didn't realize it was a big deal until I met a baker at Bishop's beach (seriously) who was very excited for me. She confessed to having once stalked Kirsten in the Anchorage Costco but never worked up the courage to talk with her. Again, more on this trip later. I'm just waiting for one of the women from the trip to email me her photos because she had a fancy camera with it's own designated backpack so I'm sure they'll be better that mine.
Ok, back to the shacks. Don't get me started on the F'ed up priorities of today's Americans. Debt up to the eyeballs, worship of material things, more possessions than they can ever use, things replacing relationships, walls and technology replacing experience, no connection to nature, the worst nutritional choices possible... like I said, don't get me started. So, although these homes are unconventional, I admire them for the fact that they A)probably don't carry a mortgage and B) were probably built by hand.
I already sound like a raging, stinky hippie right now so I might as well go ahead and confess my obsession with all forms of residences that are: mobile, tiny, space and budget conscious, cheap, self sustaining, etc. My one requirement is a shower. Foregoing the right to shower is like one step away from patchouli, earth dancing and dreads on white people. Not ok.
This is really all it would take for me...
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