Maybe it's a good thing I'm moving out since these evil things seem to be moving in. They track my movements through the windows and stare at me, plotting the take over. Creepy.
Tonight I finally went to Cordon Bleu (must read with irritating French accent) with my Filipino life-partner and am seriously angry at myself for putting it off so long. A heaping plate of delicious food cooked for you by your favorite Auntie (if you're favorite Auntie is Vietnamese) for 7 bucks. Some of the preparation practices might be questionable but who cares when it tastes that good. Speaking of questionable, Pappi said he'd take custody of Fishy and skipped out of here fishless. Damn it! The streets of SF are a magical resource when dealing with unwanted items. You put stuff out and they disappear in a matter of minutes. Today I recycled a vaccuum and a kitchen trash can. The other night someone actually claimed Younger Sister's ugly ass, terarium constructed out of wood, wire mesh, and enough jagged staples to seriously injure anyone within 2 feet of the thing. But, I have a feeling it I set a fish out there, it wouldn't be long before a pitch-fork weilding mob showed up. Animal rights blah blah, cruelty to living creatures blah blah blah.
Holy crap! Epiphany! Peace offering to the creepy pigeons. Problem solved.
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