Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PO Box 843 is Empty

Yes, I am still working on the last installment of the friends visit. Posting that many pictures is painful. However, I have something to address in the meantime. On my birthday (Aug. 2nd for those of you who might have forgotten) I got all the requisite family birthday calls and was assured more than once that my package was in the mail. Here it is August 24th and I'm still staring into the depressing depths of an empty mailbox. Day after day, empty and mocking. Just wanted to throw that out there. Like you have lives or other things on your minds or something...

Shout out to The Brother, for keepin it real and not getting my hopes up in the first place.


Anonymous said...

i'm sooo sorry. i will go to mailboxes, etc this weekend and get it in the mail. I PROMISE!!

Jade said...

I sent you a card, you got it right? At least you didn't open your mail box and find a Snuggie.:) I swear I will never let that one go. I will be telling that story when I 80 years old. Ohh damn thats the age I may really want one.

Karyn said...

soon, i promise.

little sister said...

HA HA HA!! I like that I am reading this tonight after I got your PO Box today. I will send it tomorrow and you will understand why it is late (and SO worth the wait) when you get it!
Is this why you didn't answer my call?

Debacled said...

Jade, I got your card, thank you! As you can tell, that was the only one I got. Except one from your sister.
Little Sister, I thought you were calling only because you read this.

little sister said...

I told you it ws worth the wait!