Saturday, August 21, 2010


Last night while silver fishing I told my friend I was going to start a detox diet today. This morning I was taking the last bite of my sweet and salty "granola bar" before I even realized I was eating it.

I eat pretty healthily regularly and I definitely don't want to loose weight but I would like to cut out all the processed crap and see if I feel any better. More energy, blah,blah,blah.

I know I have been a terrible blogger lately but I'm staying at a place with much faster tubes now so things should get better. (click here to understand the tubes reference Thank you, Ted!) Also, this morning I was inspired by this blog to be more positive and take another look at the simple things. Plus, Anonymom says I curse too much so I'll try to detox here as well and be more ladylike but we all know that's never been my thing.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you! I have missed your blogs. Glad to hear of the detox, let me know how that goes. My Love always, Anonymom

M. Kasch said...

:-) I think I'll come with you on this detox journey.

Jade said...

I guess I am totally immune to the cussing thing. I apparently used the F-word in my latest blog and my mom told me I was being crass. I totally I was expressing myself. An I can't wait to hear about the detox diet!!!this is going to be good. Are you working out?

Debacled said...

I'm on my second piece of pizza since getting home which makes four total today. Plus a beer. I don't think it's going to happen.
Unless you want to make me do it, Marianne. I once made it three days on lentils and rice because little sister is a Nazi. Then she went away for the weekend. I'm kinda like the fat husband in all those lame sitcoms, I need a woman nagging me or I can only make bad decisions.
Working out Jade? A co-worker asked me if I wanted to go to boot camp with her today, I nearly cursed her in the school hallway. I guess the lady-like thing isn't working either.
But, I am about to go for a walk. YAY me!

little sister said...

Man I am good. I knew you wouldn't make it one day before I even got to your comment. I lasted my weekend away at a couple parties w/ everyone eating good food and drinking and you can't even do it w/o external temptations.